Share Your Opinion

If you rather not use the form on this site, you have other options for making your opinion known.

Submit comments in opposition to the NYS Gaming Commission by direct email:

Send your opposition letter to the New York Gaming Facility Location Board by post mail:

New York Gaming Facility Location Board
New York State Gaming Commission
PO Box 7500
Schenectady, New York 12301-7500

You can download and print the suggested opposition letter.

If you are a resident of Tuxedo, please submit comments in opposition to

Send a letter in opposition to Palisades Interstate Park Commission.

The following guidelines should be observed:

  • State you are writing to express your opposition to the Sterling Forest Resort being planned in Tuxedo, New York.
  • If you wish, include a courteous and concise explanation of your opposition. Use the suggested opposition statement if you'd like.
  • Provide your name and your postal address.

Questions or suggestions? Contact