Residents in Tuxedo, and the communities surrounding Sterling Forest, standing together against the development of the Sterling Forest Resort casino.


If the Palisades Interstate Park Commission wants to resist giving up land for a Thruway interchange, it needs to be able to show public support for its resistance. When Albany demands an Exit 15B, the PIPC needs to be able to say, "we have hundreds of letters to the contrary."

We've provided a list of issues you can raise in your letter and a suggested opposition statement as well that you can use in part or entirely. The one item that should be in every letter is that PIPC should give up nothing to facilitate the thruway interchange.

UPDATE: PIPC Rejected Genting's Request For Exit 15B Easements

Thanks to your help, the Palisades Interstate Park Commission voted to deny Genting access to Rt. 106 or any Commission-controlled land to facilitate building of Exit 15B from the NYS Thruway to its proposed casino site in Sterling Forest.

The PIPC's resoluion can be overturned by joint action of the New York and New Jersey state legislatures, but that is not likely to happen given the N.J. Senate's unanimous opposition to Genting's Sterling Forest casino bid.

We've left the list of issues and suggested opposition statement as well as PIPC contact information on this page for your use. Feel free to send them a letter of thanks and continue to voice your opposition to Genting's Sterling Forest Resort casino bid.

Suggested Opposition Statement

Dear Mr Hall:

As you are well aware, the Genting group has proposed to build a casino "resort" filling the 240 acre property on Route 17A (currently occupied by Faire Properties) in the Town of Tuxedo. The property is surrounded by Sterling Forest State Park, much of it bordering the Doris Duke Preserve. The development will subject the Scenic Park to intense disturbance. The proposed 1.5 million square feet of building space, rising to 226 feet, expected to draw some 19,000 cars daily, adding up to 6.9 million visitors per year, will seriously impact the integrity of the surrounding forest, its status as a Forest Preserve, as an Important Bird Area, and as a source of clean drinking water for millions.

The success of this development is predicated on creating an Exit 15B from the New York State Thruway connecting to CR 106 in Harriman State Park and Rt. 17A through Sterling Forest. To create an adequate and safe exit the developer would require taking several acres of Harriman State Park lands. A recent alternate proposal for a less extensive, less safe exit would have still required a smaller parcel of state land.

As the stewards of these two important State Parks, the Palisades Interstate Park Commission and the Office of New York State Parks, must take their responsibility seriously. Do not succumb to the allure of promised funding and/or a land exchange that would facilitate this massive development in this inappropriate location. To cede any public land for a development of this magnitude would seriously compromise a public trust which you are bound to uphold.

Suggested Issues for PIPC Consideration

  • PIPC should resist Genting alienation of PIPC property for 15B
  • Environmental damage to SFSP from Genting is unavoidable
  • Protection of Sterling Forest State Park is PIPC responsibility
  • Traffic will increase in the park as people take short cuts.
  • Impact of traffic on hikers and camps.
  • Road kill of wildlife

Share Your Opinion

Submit comments in opposition to the Palisades Interstate Park Commission by direct email:

Send your opposition letter to the Palisades Interstate Park Commission by post mail:

Mr. James F. Hall, Executive Director
Palisades Interstate Park Commission
Administration Building
Bear Mountain, NY 10911-0427

cc. Rose Harvey, Commissioner
New York State Office of Parks and Recreation
Albany, NY 12238

The following guidelines should be observed:

  • State you are writing to express your opposition to the Sterling Forest Resort being planned in Tuxedo, New York, and specifically urge no PIPC land swap for Exit 15B.
  • If you wish, include a courteous and concise explanation of your opposition. Use the suggested opposition statement if you'd like.
  • Provide your name and your postal address.